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Acrylic, oil, graphite, and colored pencil on canvas
15' X 6'



Every spring, nestled in the front corner of our backyard, we laid a gorgeous plot of pansies. Purple, yellow, and white flowers in a quarter-circle plot, cornered by a mossy brick wall on the backside, and sienna stones lining the outside area. Hauling dirt and other organic matter from the driveway for my dearest mother endlessly meant spring was here.


Reflecting on this mundane task her and I bonded over, this painting serves as a reminder for what it is I’m searching for. If it was possible for us to work together then, surely it’s possible for us to do the same now?


This piece was created during my residency at The Hillstreet Country Club and shown in my solo show in the same space.

© Cole Douglas 2020-2024

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